Are you someone in pain emotionally or physically, someone who’s looking to get some help with your negative feelings?
Do you have questions and want to find a different way to break free from your negative mindset? Do you want to feel better about yourself without the need for medicine, drugs and ongoing weekly therapy?
Maybe you are now ready to start the discussion to release your self-limiting beliefs, quite understandably, you may have a few questions.
Here are some questions asked recently;
- Can Enhance Your Horizons help me with my specific issue?
- In what way is this therapy different from other talk therapies?
- How does it feel to be in Hypnosis?
- What happens if I book a free chat?
- If I go ahead with a session, what should I expect?
- What is the success rate?
- What do people say about Enhance Your Horizons
Can Enhance Your Horizons help me with questions about my specific issue?

- Anxiety and Stress Mindset Transformation Programme!
Are you suffering from Depressing Thoughts? Do you need help managing Anxiety, Stress and Looping Thoughts?
- 4-month Ongoing Support Programme!
Are you in need of long-term Ongoing Support coaching for a longer time period?
- Confidence Boost! - Regain your real inner confidence!
Are you looking to improve your life, your performance for a specific event or to improve life in general?
- Addictions - Beat Your Habit! Mindset Transformation
Want to be free from addiction and live life to your full potential without self-sabotage?
- Fears or Phobias - Become empowered and confident!
Want to develop the self-confidence and strength needed to deal with intense fears of your phobias.

RTT was founded by Marisa Peer over 30 years ago, working from a pure form of hypnotherapy, Marisa identified what was needed to enable people to meet their goals quickly so that they benefit from long lasting results.
“You can’t heal what you don’t understand, and that habits of actions are governed by habits of thought.”
Clients themselves are able to pinpoint exactly why and when their negative behaviour started, with this understanding they are able to decide if they still want to keep hold of these feelings, instead they can free themselves from their negativity and their old beliefs about themselves.
Quite often most conventional therapies require that the client returns week after week over what sometimes can be months or years, until the problem is resolved. Clients want rapid results; they don’t want to come back week after week to talk about the problem. The therapy aims to give a permanent change in a single 90-minute session, although some clients and some issues may need up to three sessions.
Using techniques that specifically address the trauma that clients have been holding on to for many years, clients learn to understand why they feel this way and can begin to let go of the old negativity.

The client is involved with their therapy, they play a significant part in uncovering the meaning and interpretation of their events, at a subconscious level.
This leads to permanent powerful change because clients gain understanding, this enables the mind to tell the body what to do to heal itself. How to turn fear into excitement, it can tell the body how to react and how to feel, it can alter and improve the messages the body sends to the mind.
The theapy is informed by hypnosis and hypnotherapy, but it is a standalone therapeutic approach.
RTT® is endorsed by the General Hypnotherapy Register, Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council, the National and International Council of Psychotherapists, the American Board of Hypnotherapy, the International Association of Complementary Therapists, plus the International Institute of Complementary Therapies.

Hypnosis is a state characterised by extreme receptiveness and relaxation. Hypnosis is not about being asleep, you are awake the whole time and in control.
is a better way to describe it, we have all been transfixed in a book or movie. Think about driving a car, you know what it’s like to be on autopilot.
Despite being in control of your driving, as you drive along lost in your own thoughts, you’re hardly aware of the passing scenery. When your instincts are on autopilot you allow your subconscious feeling mind to think deeply about the matter in question.
- The email will detail the exact time at which the free call will be made, within the time frame and on the day that you selected for you to confirm.
- In the call on date/time as agreed we will discuss your issue in detail, we will discuss the help you are looking for and what would make you feel better.
- Joanna will ask questions to ensure the problem is fully understood, you will have opportunity to ask any questions you may have, the call will take roughly 30 minutes.
- If both parties feel that it is a good match Joanna will ask if you would like to go ahead with a session.
- On the day of the session please arrange to be seated in a quiet room ideally in a chair, sofa or bed where your neck is supported.
- Please ensure that no one can interrupt you, animals and pets are located safety in another room, phones and devises are switched off and cannot make any noise, with the exception of the devise used for the session, still put this devise on silent mode.
- Please sit with legs and arms by the side of your body, please do not cross your arms and legs throughout the session.
- Everything discussed is completely confidential. Whatever comes up, I have experience and training to help you. I can’t make you do anything you don’t want to do. I’ll be talking with you during this session, and you can talk to me. You will always be in control.
- I will record and provide you with a bespoke audio recording detailing and specifying your desired goals, directions and instructions for you to listen to. The recording significantly enables the mind to accept your change of thinking, so that you get the outcomes you desire.
- When listening to the recording, please be seated in a quiet space, not when driving or operating machinery. A good time to listen the recording is either the very first thing in the morning as you awake or last thing as you go to sleep. Both these time frames are when the mind is coming out of or going into REM, where your mind accesses the alpha brain waves.
- The mind learns by repetition, it has an extraordinary ability to transform your thinking, a key part of the treatment is the use of audio recordings to help cement new understandings and directions in the mind. The brains powerful ability to change and adapt itself for the better is recognised by scientists and called Neuroplasticity. This is a process in which new neural pathways grow and old ones diminish according to the thoughts and pictures we create in our mind.This is how we create our self-beliefs and self-esteem in the first place, research shows we can continue to make these changes throughout the rest of our live.
Post session – Follow up process
*Following completion of the session there is 28 day follow up process.
*Expect to schedule follow ups by phone or video call on day 1, days 7 and 14 and 21.

Get the best results and best value for money out of your time and session
1. Be as clear as possible with your details on the intake form.
2. Ensure to be in a calm/quiet room, with devise charged and on silent for duration of session, as specified above.
3. Ensure to listen to your audio recording daily at least once a day
4. Join Joanna for follow up 20 mins voice calls on day 3, 14, 21
Marisa has spent nearly three decades treating a client list that includes international superstars, CEOs, Royalty, and Olympic athletes. RTT has been taking the world by storm ever since, she is critically acclaimed as the new go to therapy. In 2018 Marisa Peer and her RTT method won 8 Stevie Awards, A Venus Award , IDGT add.
The therapy continues to grow in global recognition as one of the most effective treatments available for achieving fast and effective results for mental and physical health.
I approached Joanna to help with my anxiety prior to starting a new job, I had lost confidence, suffered conflicting thoughts and was unable to stand up for myself. Joanna was so supportive and friendly throughout the process. I really appreciated the follow-up calls that took place every week for a month as part of the process as I could discuss any issues or concerns, while working on letting go of the old beliefs.She has helped me to become more aware of subconscious negative thoughts and focus on new, positive beliefs and feelings. I highly recommend Jo as the techniques she applies are very helpful in improving your way of thinking and having better outcomes in life! – Diana P, London
Joanna has been incredible in helping me with letting go of old beliefs that were no longer serving me, in fact they were holding me back. She was supportive and encouraging through the entire process and has been wonderful to work with. Di G, London
Having worked with Joanna to overcome phobias about driving over heights and down steep slopes using hypnotherapy I can highly recommend her. She is reassuring and considerate both pre and post hypnotherapy and the follow-ups have been excellent. You do need to put in some post hypnotherapy work yourself and if you are prepared to work at this then you will see a difference. Thank you Joanna. – Gill G, London
It’s such a relief to find a way of letting go of my chronic anxiety, those negative, critical thoughts playing in my head all day which were dragging me down and actually depressing me. It’s so good to know that I can change my thinking by understanding more about how I developed my old beliefs. I did not think it was possible. Thanks Joanna. – Julian, Derby
I hadn’t really realised that for all my life, I’d let other people decide how I feel. Until the session, I didn’t connect that my fears and anxiety, driven by my desire to be liked by other people, was what was holding me back. I can see this now, it is so clear to me. I thought at first people would not like the change in me, and instead I find that I get more respect now and this feels great. Thank you so much Joanna – Danny, London,
Joanna helped me to identify my negative thoughts, she showed me how my view of myself could be seen from a different perspective, this was a game changer. I’ve always thought and been told that I am a very negative person, I knew this but I didn’t know how to be any different, now I have left all that unpleasantness and difficulty behind me. I feel free, I feel wonderful – thank you! – Nat, Bromley
Joanna is just so lovely and is helping me with anxiety and a negative event that made it worse, her recording is amazing and she has such a gentle, calm voice. I wish I’d found her sooner! Highly recommend her. – Larysa, London
I’ve always believed that I was not calm and confident about anything. Ever sine I can remember my inside world felt chaotic, total chaos, as if something was missing. It was just a horrible feeling. Thanks to the session and all the follow up support I’ve turned this feeling around. I will never go back there. Amazing, thank you Joanna.– Marta, London
What's next?
Please feel free to contact me if you have any other quesions, I’ll be happy to get back to you.
Just press the button below to contact Enhance Your Horizons.
Look after yourself, Joanna x